Success Story - Mike Davis!
In his own words...
One year ago today, I was 245 pounds, unhealthy, had high cholesterol, and I cautiously walked in to FCCF for my first WOD (workout). It was a Saturday team WOD, and Lee and I had just finished up Bootcamp the week before. Honestly, I was terrified. The journey that I have been on throughout this last year has had too many milestones to list. For myself, my wife Chanellia, and my kids, we truly love this FCCF community. You all have been so great!
The one thing that I have mainly learned since doing CrossFit is the "I can, and I will" attitude. At the beginning, there were so many things that I said I would NEVER do, like eating Paleo (and here I am 5 weeks into my first challenge).
I feel I have come a long way, overcome a lot of obstacles, but still have many more to overcome. I really want to thank you all at FCCF for being part of my life changing experience over the last year, and especially to my awesome Hot Pants wife for all of the support!
One year ago today, I was 245 pounds, unhealthy, had high cholesterol, and I cautiously walked in to FCCF for my first WOD (workout). It was a Saturday team WOD, and Lee and I had just finished up Bootcamp the week before. Honestly, I was terrified. The journey that I have been on throughout this last year has had too many milestones to list. For myself, my wife Chanellia, and my kids, we truly love this FCCF community. You all have been so great!
The one thing that I have mainly learned since doing CrossFit is the "I can, and I will" attitude. At the beginning, there were so many things that I said I would NEVER do, like eating Paleo (and here I am 5 weeks into my first challenge).
I feel I have come a long way, overcome a lot of obstacles, but still have many more to overcome. I really want to thank you all at FCCF for being part of my life changing experience over the last year, and especially to my awesome Hot Pants wife for all of the support!